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Dr. Emma's Weight Loss Treatment
Kentuckiana Medical Weight Loss offers patients a new effective weight loss treatment. which combines small regular doses of hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and a specific clinician and dietitian supervised restricted-calorie diet.
We do not use Simeon hCG diet but rather use the protocols of Dr. Sheri Emma, MD.
Most area weight loss clinics offer the hCG protocols of Dr. Simeon (1900 - 1970) from a study he conducted 60 years ago using hCG to treat Frolich's syndrome. Dr. Emma has revived the diet with better food choices, more dosing options and a better understanding of the role hCG plays in muscle retention while losing weight. Kentuckiana Medical Weight Loss is proud to be the only chosen provider of Dr. Emma's hCG Diet Program in Indiana.
hCG is a natural hormone that is typically produced in large quantities during pregnancy to ensure proper nutrients to the developing baby. This hormone can be used as treatment for infertility in both men and women at dosages of 5,000 to 10,000 IU per injection
Dr. Emma's Diet Program combines a customized low calorie diet with specific medical dosing of hCG. hCG is a natural protein hormone that acts as a precursor in the bodies of both men and women to produce hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid hormones. The act of stimulating these hormones in very low levels appears to help the body sustain lean body mass while dieting and forces the body to burn true FAT.
As part of Dr. Emma's Weight Loss Program, the hCG hormone is administered by injection. The tiny needles are basically painless and extremely easy to self administer. This method is the only proven method to get hCG into the bloodstream. Your clinician will walk you through the process and ensure that you are 100% comfortable upon initiation of the program.
Your diet will be customized based on your current weight, age, sex and weight loss goals. Our team will generate your diet plan and counsel you on the initiation and progress of your diet.
Every aspect of your weight loss program, while based in certain similar principles, is personalized.
The Benefits of Dr. Emma's Diet:
Sustained muscle and lean tissue
FAT loss
Reported loss of appetite (without medications)
Rapid weight loss (approximately 1/2 lb to greater than 1 lb per day - results may vary)
There is no limit to how long you can be on the diet
Very low occurrence of rebound, no dependency and a positive effect on metabolism
As a patient you will receive the following for one single cost:
Physical Exam and Medical Evaluation
Blood Work
30 days of Medication
On-going Weigh-ins and Dietary Counseling
Dr. Emma's Diet Guide
An HCG Cookbook
30 Day Food Journals
Resources to help get in touch with the new Skinny YOU
Delicious protein options
"hCG has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that hCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or "normal" distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets."